I want to Downsize BUT what do I do with my STUFF?!?
I want to Downsize BUT what do I do with my STUFF?!?
Many of the people I meet with have accumulated a lot of stuff over the years. Most often they have lived in their home for 25+ Years.
So, what are your options?
First, would be to go through your things.
Do you want to Sell Items or Do you just want to donate and have someone help you pack and downsize?
If you want to sell items in your home. The most common way to do so is to have a local company come in and have a sale for you.
Or if you have more valuable items (not everyday household) you can have items auctioned off as well.
But wanting to sell items and needing someone to help pack and downsize you are two different services that people often mistake as one.
If you are in the need of someone who offers any of Estate Sale Services or Downsizing Services, please call me (267) 397-6291. Or visit www.BucksCountyBoomers.com