Avoid the Home Selling Pitfalls By Attending my Educational Home Selling Seminar
The Pitfalls are Ways Sellers lose money and don’t realize it.
We discuss the pitfalls at our Home Selling Seminars and our next one is on October 5th at 6:30pm at the Middletown Twp Building.
1.Lack of Staging
– Home is NOT prepared for the market
2. Improper Pricing
– Home is overpriced for the market causing it to sit on the market
– Price within 3% of the market- good rule of thumb
3. Poor Marketing
– Horrible pictures
– No marketing/ No Premarketing
4. Poor Negotiating
– Hiring an agent who can’t negotiate.
– Often we see this when someone selects an agent based on commission. If they can’t negotiate their commission how can they negotiate your sales price?
5. No one to Overseeing details
– No one watching the contract
We discuss the pitfalls at our Home Selling Seminars and our next one is on October 5th at 6:30pm at the Middletown Twp Building.