Villas at Shady Brook Fun Facts
What is the average elevation above sea level is The Villas at Shady Brook? 133 – 148 feet
How many homes are in The Villas at Shady Brook? 300
How many homes of each style were built in The Villas at Shady Brook:
Mulberry – 14
Rosewell – 65
Thornhill – 125
Willow – 85
How many homes have chimneys for their gas fireplaces? 240
How many homes in The Villas at Shady Brook have awnings? 15
How many roofs are there in the community? 75 quad roofs
How many STOP signs are in The Villas at Shady Brook? 14
How many 25 mph signs are there in the community? 12
How many flag pols are in The Villas at Shady Brook? 3
How many fire hydrants are in the community? 15
How many street lampposts are located in The Villas at Shady Brook? 29
How many street lights are located in our community? 30
How many ponds are in The Villas at Shady Brook? 1
What is the length of the indoor pool? 40 feet
How many parking spots are in The Villas at Shady Brook‘s clubhouse parking lot? 73
How many streets were in the original plans for our community? 4
What are the addresses of the homes which are most:
Northerly? 217
Easterly? 169
Southerly? 101
Westerly? 328
The Villas at Shady Brook
Search current inventory of Homes for Sale in Villas at Shady Brook
Contact Carol Swain at (215) 431-8705 or with any questions or to take a tour of The Villas at Shady Brook