Stone Meadows Farm 55+ in Langhorne, PA

Stone Meadows Farm 55+ in Langhorne, PA

159 55+ Residences Approved For Stone Meadows Farm

Update: Pricing & Models Have Been Released….Click Here

After years of litigation with Stone Meadows Farm, FoxLane Builders and Middletown Township  it is finally over.

The Middletown Township Board of Supervisors approved Central Bucks County-based builder Foxlane Homes’ plan to construct 159 residences, which would be made up of 17 single-family homes and 71 twin dwelling buildings, equaling 142 units. The development would be age-restricted to those over age 55.


The approved plan will cover 88.8 acres of the 168-acre farm that sits near Core Creek Park off Langhorne-Newtown Road (Route 413.) Of the 88.8 acres, 39.5 would be open space maintained by a homeowners’ association and rest will be used for housing.

The remainder of the Stone Meadows Farm property – about 67 acres – was preserved through an agreement between the members of the Stone family, the developer, the township.

The age-restricted development will take place on the acreage of the farm that sits off Langhorne-Newtown (Route 413) Road between the Summit Trace development and Tollgate Road.

The developer plans to add native plants, birdhouses, benches, historical markers, walking trails, which would be open to the public and connect to Core Creek Park, on the open space maintained by the homeowners’ association.

A clubhouse for residents will be built for the new community.

The approved plan features two roads connecting the duplexes, which would be set back from Langhorne-Newtown Road, to the main roadway. No traffic lights are planned and one of the roads would be right-in and -out only, while the other would allow left turns in and out.

Update: Pricing & Models Have Been Released….Click Here


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