Downsizing & Preparing to Sell Your Home

The majority of my clients want to downsize and have the same questions and hurdles to overcome along the way. So, to help address these questions and hurdles I put together a book to help guide my clients. I am pleased to announce that it will soon be available for sale on Amazon!

If you are thinking about downsizing and would like to reserve a FREE copy reach out to me at (267) 397-6291 or


Downsizing can be an overwhelming task especially if you have lived in your home for years. Often, clients come to me and they have lived in their home for many years.

This is where their memories are, and it can be an emotional task to downsize.

Many questions arise. Where do you start? Where am I going to go? Can I leave my house?  What am I going to do with all my stuff?


It is my goal to help make downsizing easier for you. I want to break it down into 10 manageable steps that you can handle. As you are going through the downsizing process it may be wise to think about the sale of your home and how you can net the most. For your convenience, I have provided steps on how to prepare your home for the market so you can net the most when you sell.  

As a Senior Real Estate Specialist, I have guided hundreds of clients through the downsizing process as well as helped them identify what their next move is. Downsizing does not happen overnight; it is often a long process that takes time. And I understand that. I am here to help you, not push you. I want to make the process as easy as possible. So remember, hire a Realtor who understands your needs.

If you are thinking about downsizing and would like to reserve a FREE copy reach out to me at                       (267) 397-6291 or

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