Neshaminy School District Housing Market Stats for 3rd Quarter of 2017 Compared to 2016
Let’s take a look at Neshaminy School District Housing Market and compare the third quarter of 2016 to 2017. We are going to break it down by the home type (whether it be a single, townhouse, or condo) to get an accurate view of the market.
The Days on the market has decreased for each style home.
Sales Price for condos have increased from an average of $173k to $191k. As did the sales price for the townhouse from an average of $284k to $292K.
3 Br Single Family Homes saw an average increase from $264K to $285K.
4 Br Single Family Homes saw an average increase from $323K to $339K.
In summary, the market is strong. We are still in a seller’s market. Days on market are decreasing as the number of homes coming on the market are decreasing.